Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Welcome to the God's Tsunami blog


God's Tsunami was first published in October, 2003. It is a book about the great spiritual tidal wave of the gospel moving through history and the nations of the world. The wave began nearly two thousand years ago in Jerusalem and the edge of this wave is today sweeping through East Asia. The theme of this book foreshadowed the massive tsunami that struck in the Indian Ocean more than a year later on December 26, 2004. The greatest natural disaster in living memory, the Indian Ocean tsunami claimed nearly 200,000 lives and was called by CNN's Sr. Asia Correspondent, Mike Chinoy an event of "almost biblical proportions."

God's Tsunami describes how the wave of the gospel is on its way back to Jerusalem where it began. In the process, even the depths of the earth are being stirred and spiritual powers and principalities challenged as God moves the world into His final harvest. God's Tsunami shows how the fulfillment of biblical prophecy in the nation of Israel is related to God's purposes in the nations and ultimately the return of His Son.

1 comment:

吴华星 Jerry Goh Wah Seng said...

Hi Peter,

Thanks for coming to Singapore and CEFC and giving us an inspiring talk on the Kingdom of God. I was a student under Dr. Tetsunao Yamamori and read his book with Ken Eldred "On Kingdom Business." We used the book for our class at Asbury Seminary.

Grace and glory,
